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The Challenge

The Good Roll makes 100% recycled toilet paper with a mission to provide safe and clean toilets for everyone. This is demonstrated through 50% of their net profit being used to construct toilets in various countries in Africa.

Over the last year, The Good Roll experienced rapid growth. Consequently, in order to continue growing at this fast pace, they needed to make more data-driven decisions and unleash the value of the available data through an integrated dashboard.

The Approach

Amsterdam Data Collective helped The Good Roll get an integrated view on the entire marketing funnel and deliver actionable insights for growth.

The Solution

After all relevant data sources were identified, in close cooperation with The Good Roll, a data scan was conducted. Subsequently, this scan was used to assess the quality of the data and identify possible issues.

The team from Amsterdam Data Collective combined multiple data sources, such as a CRM system, payment providers and Google Analytics. The data was pre-processed where necessary and combined into a single PowerBI integrated dashboard. As a result, we were able to provide concrete insights on all stages of the marketing funnel.

Impact for the Client

The integrated PowerBI dashboard provided actionable insights in areas such as consumer profiles, customer loyalty, effectiveness of sales promotions and product performance. Furthermore, these insights were translated into concrete growth opportunities for The Good Roll.

Time Scale

After all the relevant data sources were identified and access for the ADC team was arranged, the analysis and integrated dashboard were presented to senior management in a matter of weeks.

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